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The Kingdom of Saxony

Saxon Infantry 1802 - 1811

New flags were issued to the Leib-Grenadier-Garde and the twelve Line Infantry regiments in September 1802 to replace those issued in 1785. Each regiment received a Leibfahne, carried by the 1st Battalion, and an Ordinärfahne, carried by the 2nd Battalion. As with other European armies, it was the practice to detach the Grenadier companies from the Line regiments and combine them into seperate Grenadier battalions. These Grenadier battalions do not seem to have been issued with individual standards. The 1802 issue flags measured 157cm x 144.5cm. The Ordinärfahne was in the regimental facing colour with a border design peculiar to each regiment; the Leibfahne was white with the same border design on a background of the regimental facing colour. These flags were carried on staves of plain wood measuring just under three metres topped with a gilt finial bearing an F.A. cypher. Cravats and cords do not appear to have been used.
Flags from top to bottom:
Leib-Grenadier-Garde Regiment
(1st) Kürfust Regiment ( König from Dec 1806)
(2nd) Von Sanger Regiment
(3rd) Prinz Anton Regiment
(4th) Prinz Clemens Regiment
(5th) Prinz Maximilien Regiment
(6th) Von Thümmel Regiment
(7th) Prinz Friedrich August Regiment
(8th) Von Low Regiment
(9th) Prinz Xaver Regiment ( Von Oebschelwitz from 1807)
(10th) Von Bunau Regiment ( Von Bevilaqua from 1806)
(11th) Von Niesemeuschel Regiment
(12th) Von Rechten Regiment
Ordinarfahnen on left, Leibfahnen on right.

Saxony Infantry 1802

Please note that all flag images at Napflags will require resizing
to suit the miniature figure scale - See Printing the flags

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